74.M4.Latin America: a year, a camera, a road trip is available for purchase directly from this website at the discounted price of $45.00 (retail $49.95), which includes shipping via media mail and sales tax (where relevant, LA residents only). All copies are signed by the author, unless requested otherwise. Please allow 2-3 business days for fulfillment and 5-8 days shipping time for delivery. Domestic US shipping only.
Accepted payments include Venmo, or check. For payment via any other app, please contact us here for instructions: [email protected].
To pay by Venmo, make a payment via the Venmo app to rsstudio in the amount of $45.00. In the field “What’s it for.” write “74.M4.LA book”. In the same field, please provide a mailing address. Communication on the transaction will be made via the app.

Scan QR code to pay by Venmo
To pay by check, make your check payable to Richard Sexton in the amount of $45.00 and mail your payment to:
Richard Sexton
1000 Bourbon Street No. 321
New Orleans, LA 70116
When your check is mailed, please email Richard Sexton @ [email protected] indicating your payment is en route and provide a mailing address you’d like the book shipped to. You’ll receive an email confirmation when your book ships with tracking information.
To purchase multiple quantities, the process is basically the same. The total payment will be the number of copies desired X $45. If the books are being shipped to multiple addresses, provide all relevant addresses and the number of copies going to each address.
ANY OTHER QUESTIONS? Please email Richard Sexton @ [email protected].